Bus Information

Children aged 9 years and under who live 3.2km from school and children who are 10+ years who live 4.8 km from school, are eligible to travel to and from school by bus. Students are expected to show CARES and the Whitikahu Way when on the bus.

In the morning the bus travels from Gordonton School along Whitikahu Road, down Tenfoot Road to 392 Tenfoot Road. It then turns and carries on back onto Whitikahu Road and finally merges onto Orini Road. Our bus stops, and turns, at 1787 Orini Road, travelling back along Orini Road. It then turns right and heads back to school.

This route is repeated in the afternoons, with Orini Road being the first drop off point. Parents are advised to watch children as they cross the road.

If the bus does not yet service your area and you require use of the service, please contact the office or Brent Harper to find out about your nearest pick up/drop off point.